Backyard Dangers To Your Dog And How To Avoid Them
Your dog likely spends a lot of time in the backyard. It's a place for your dog to relax with only minimal supervision so that he doesn't have to be cooped up all day. It's important that you are aware of some of the hidden dangers lurking in your backyard, though, so that no harm befalls your beloved pet.
#1: The water dish
As a responsible pet owner you are probably aware that you need to provide water for your dog when he is outdoors at all times. Any standard water dish works well, just make sure you clean it out daily and refill it with fresh water often. Old water can harbor bacteria or algae that can make your pet sick. Mosquitoes breeding in old water is also an issue, and they can carry diseases like heartworm, which is then spread to your pet with a single bite.
#2: Toxic plants
Most dogs will leave plants alone, but it's still wise to avoid planting known toxic plants like hops or azaleas. You should also be on the lookout for any wild toxins that take root in your yard. Some mushrooms can be highly toxic, for example, and cause illness even if your dog does little more than nose or lick them. Inspect the yard each morning for new fungus if this is an issue in your area. Your vet's office can also provide a list of the common toxic weeds that tend to pop up in your area.
#3: Lawn chemicals
It's a good idea to keep anything you use on your lawn safely locked up in a garage or shed. This includes fertilizers, weed treatments, and bug sprays. Some dogs will chew on anything, so even trap-style bug management devices or candle burners should be well out of reach when you aren't right there to supervise. Fertilizers and items applied to the lawn can also be an irritant to paws or cause chemical burns after application, so keep your dog off the lawn until a day or two has passed after application.
#4: Weak fences
If your dog is a digger or a jumper, you must ensure the fence can withstand their efforts before allowing them in the yard unsupervised. This may mean installing a barrier in the ground to discourage digging or a taller fence to foil a jumper. Another option for jumpers is to place coyote bars across the top of the fence. These roll when your dog tried to pull over the top, which prevents them from getting over.
For more help or if your dog suffers an injury in the backyard, contact a local vet in your area like those found at Community Animal Hospital.