Aging Pets Need Special Care

Annual Veterinary Services For Your Pets

When you own a pet, there are several responsibilities you may not consider. Pets are much like children when it comes to health and wellness. There are certain things they need on an annual basis and several on a routine basis. If you are trying to figure out what visits need to be scheduled and what options you may need on your pet insurance, here are some of the annual veterinary hospital services you should consider. 

Annual Vaccinations

Pets need to have routine annual vaccinations. These include the parvo vaccine, rabies vaccine, and distemper. The parvo vaccine and distemper vaccines help prevent the contraction of both viruses. Parvo and distemper can be deadly when contracted. That can cause massive dehydration, vomiting, and loss of organ function. By having these vaccines on an annual routine basis, you are helping reduce the chance of your pet contracting these diseases and going through a painful and possibly fatal illness. 

Heartworm Checks

When you are at the veterinary hospital for your pets' annual vaccinations, they will also have a heartworm check. This is to ensure they are not at risk for heartworms and to make sure there are no heartworms present. Your veterinarian will suggest a monthly are quarterly heartworm treatment that can be taken at home. This treatment asks in many ways like a vaccine. It makes sure your pet will not have heartworms and keeps them safe from this deadly infestation. The treatments are generally chewable pills that can be bought in three or more doses from the vet. The treatments are based on the size and age of the pet. 

Flea and Tick Prevention

Another aspect of annual services provided by your veterinarian hospital for the health and wellness of your pet is flea and tick prevention. This is usually done by checking your pet during a head-to-tail examination. If fleas are found, your pet may receive a shot or flea and tick medication. They may also receive antibiotics to help reduce the chance of illness from fleas and ticks. You will also have the option of monthly flea and tick prevention medicine to give to your pet at home. 

The first service you should consider is an initial examination and basic shot routine. This will get your pet on the right track for health and wellness. You can also discuss possible food options with your veterinarian. In addition, remember your veterinarian hospital also offers at-home treatments such as heartworm treatments. By getting these all through your veterinarian, you can ensure quality and that you have what your pet needs according to the vet.

To learn more, contact an animal hospital near you. 
